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Navigating Purpose-Driven Career Transitions – Key Insights from PIM’s 10th Anniversary Event

Are you thinking of transitioning to a #career of #impact?  Are you thinking of changing sectors to one that is more aligned with your values and purpose? Or are you getting ready to take the leap and leave your corporate job to start your own social enterprise? Or maybe you’re a seasoned entrepreneur looking to make a greater impact on the next level?

On August 27, 2024, the PIM 10th Anniversary event, “Changemakers’ Career Transition: How to Navigate Change in a Purpose-Driven Career,” provided valuable insights for anyone at a career crossroads. Moderated by Jasmine Lau, Co-Founder of Purpose in Motion (PIM), the event featured Arnold Chan, Nikhil Taneja, and Charlene Ren—trailblazers who have founded and led impactful social organizations, with career experiences that span Bollywood, McKinsey, Goldman Sachs, and the startup world.

5 Key Event Takeaways for Navigating Purpose-Driven Careers

  1. Continuous Learning Fuels Career Growth
    The speakers emphasized that learning is crucial, no matter where you are in your career. Arnold Chan transitioned from nonprofit to fintech when he felt his growth had stagnated, while Charlene Ren took a break from her nonprofit to gain new skills in consulting. Nikhil Taneja highlighted that exploring new paths is essential to discovering your true strengths and passions.
  2. Define Success and Impact on Your Own Terms
    Success isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey. Arnold Chan encouraged attendees to define success based on personal values, not external expectations. Nikhil Taneja echoed this, emphasizing the importance of avoiding societal boxes and allowing yourself the freedom to pivot when needed.
  3. Leadership Thrives on Listening and Adaptability
    Effective leadership is built on listening and adapting. Nikhil Taneja explained how working with Gen Z at Yuvaa reshaped his leadership style, emphasizing the importance of learning from younger generations and staying open to their fresh perspectives. Arnold Chan and Charlene Ren also discussed how their transitions between sectors taught them the value of adaptability, with Arnold stressing the need for humility and a “day one mentality” when leading in new environments.
  4. Well-being is Key to Sustaining Impact
    Personal well-being is vital for long-term success in a purpose-driven career. Charlene Ren and Nikhil Tanejaboth stressed the need to prioritize mental and physical health. Charlene learned to choose environments that align with her well-being, while Nikhil’s experience with anxiety led him to reevaluate his career path and eventually start Yuvaa.
  5. Passion Drives Resilience Through Challenges
    Passion for your mission keeps you going, even in tough times. Charlene Ren noted that working on something you truly care about is what will get you out of bed on the hardest days. Nikhil Taneja emphasized that purpose is about persistence, not perfection. Arnold Chan added that being intentional about your journey helps you stay focused, no matter the obstacles.

About our Speakers

Nikhil Taneja – Co-Founder & Chief of Yuvaa/Award-Winning Writer & Producer
Nikhil Taneja is a multi-award winning writer, producer, storyteller, entrepreneur, teacher and youth mental health advocate. He’s the co-founder and Chief of Yuvaa, India’s first Gen Z-driven youth media, research and impact organization. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the girls’ education focused international non-profit, Girl Rising. Nikhil is currently the creator and host of Be A Man, Yaar!, the viral chat series on positive masculinity.

Charlene Ren – Founder, MyH2O
Charlene Ren is a social entrepreneur and long-time environmental advocate. She’s currently working as a business strategy consultant in an international company, while serving as a non-profit advisory board member. In 2015, she founded MyH2O, a nonprofit organization that connects resources for clean water solutions for rural areas in need. Her work earned her the 2020 UN Young Champion of the Earth award. She was also an Echoing Green Fellow in 2016, and was named one of Forbes “30 Under 30” Social Entrepreneurs in 2019.

Arnold Chan – Founder, Teach for Hong Kong & General Manager for Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, Airwallex
Arnold Chan is the Founder and Chairman of Teach for Hong Kong, an educational nonprofit that recruits and trains graduates to teach in Hong Kong’s underprivileged schools.Currently he is the Hong Kong & Southeast Asia General Manager for Airwallex, a global fintech unicorn.

He started his career at Goldman Sachs in institutional sales and has an MBA from Harvard Business School. With his achievements founding Teach For Hong Kong, Arnold is awarded with the Asia 21 2016 Class of Young Leaders by Asia Society and the Hong Kong Youth Service Award 2016 by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG). He is selected as part of the Generation T List by Hong Kong Tatler in 2018, Forbes 30 Under 30 in 2019, and Hong Kong’s Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in 2019.

Photo of all speakers for August event

Event Recap: Exploring Purposeful Career Transitions

The event opened with each speaker reflecting on their unique career transitions. Nikhil Taneja shared his journey from studying engineering, pressured by societal expectations, to discovering his true passion for storytelling. He transitioned into journalism and TV production before co-founding Yuvaa, a media platform driven by Gen Z. He encouraged attendees to embrace career pivots, saying, “You always have the time and capacity to take a turn in your life. If you don’t take those risks, you’re not exploring parts of yourself that you might end up loving even more.” Nikhil’s mission with Yuvaa is to engage India’s youth on critical issues like mental health and social justice.

Charlene Ren, founder of MyH2O, shared how her early passion for environmental issues led her to launch a nonprofit focused on clean water solutions for rural China right after college. After successfully growing MyH2O, she decided to take a step back and joined a management consulting firm to gain a broader perspective on solving global challenges while refining her strategic thinking skills. Reflecting on the shift between corporate and nonprofit cultures, she said, “I’ve met so many people whose values clashed with mine, and it only made me stronger and more certain of the causes I care about.” Her experience as a social entrepreneur solidified her sense of purpose: “My identity was more solid. I knew what I wanted, and I knew myself as an impact-driven person.” Charlene’s story underscored the importance of staying true to one’s values, even when transitioning across sectors.

Arnold Chan’s journey from Goldman Sachs to founding Teach for Hong Kong was fueled by his desire to address educational inequities. He later transitioned into the startup world, where he now leads teams at the fintech unicorn Airwallex, applying the empathy and team-building skills he honed in the nonprofit sector to scale startup teams. A key factor in Arnold’s career decisions has always been learning—he stressed the importance of continuous learning and pushing boundaries, regardless of career stage. His transitions between sectors allowed him to develop new skills and perspectives that were crucial to his growth and impact. Reflecting on his journey, he shared, “You can never connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward.”

Taking the Leap: Social Entrepreneurship

One of the recurring themes during the event was the risk and reward of becoming a social entrepreneur. Charlene Ren spoke candidly about the challenges of scaling a nonprofit, emphasizing that passion is essential to sustain such work. She noted, “[Your social impact project] has to be something you’re passionate about. Otherwise, when you wake up in the morning, you’ll just lie in bed and not want to do anything. Even when you’re in your worst moments, you’ll still want to work on something you’re truly passionate about.” Her words resonated with the audience, underlining the importance of personal conviction in navigating the challenges of impact work. She also suggested considering the possibility of working within an existing organization that can provide resources and support. This approach allows for nurturing and growing an initiative before potentially spinning it off into an independent entity.

Nikhil Taneja added his perspective, explaining that pursuing meaningful work is valuable, even if it might fail. He urged attendees to take those risks, saying, “I want you to do something that even if it fails, it would still be worth it.” His experience building Yuvaa from the ground up, with a mission to address mental health and social justice, exemplified how purpose-driven work can be a deeply fulfilling, albeit risky, journey.

Leadership Through Transitions

Leadership was a key topic of discussion, particularly how it evolves through career transitions. Arnold Chan reflected on his early days at Goldman Sachs, sharing how he initially struggled with sales, even failing miserably at first. However, the very sales skills he disliked became crucial to his fundraising success when he started his own nonprofit. He noted, “Sales skills that I hated during my first couple of years at Goldman Sachs made me a really, really good fundraiser for Teach for Hong Kong.” He also shared how his experience in nonprofit leadership — understanding people, motivating teams, and leading with empathy — prepared him for leading teams in the fast-paced fintech startup world.

Nikhil Taneja discussed how working with Gen Z at Yuvaa reshaped his leadership style, shifting from directing to listening. He emphasized that leadership is about learning from the people you work with, not just leading them, explaining, “Leadership is about listening to and learning from the people you work with, not just leading them.” This approach has helped him stay attuned to the evolving needs of Gen Z, who drive Yuvaa’s mission.

Balancing Personal Growth and Well-being

A significant takeaway from the event was the emphasis on prioritizing mental health and well-being, especially as careers evolve. Charlene Ren spoke about how, as she matured, personal well-being became central to her decision-making. She reflected on how some work environments, despite their potential for impact, weren’t conducive to her health and happiness. This realization led her to seek roles that aligned not only with her values but also supported her mental and physical well-being.

Nikhil Taneja shared his personal experience with anxiety and how it shaped his career path. After grappling with mental health challenges, Nikhil took a sabbatical to reevaluate his life and work. This break eventually led him to start Yuvaa, where mental health advocacy became a core part of the organization’s mission. He reminded attendees, “You are not your job, your work, or your career.” Nikhil’s transparency resonated deeply with the audience, highlighting that pursuing impactful work should never come at the cost of one’s well-being.

Both speakers underscored that taking care of yourself is essential for sustaining passion and purpose over the long term. Whether it’s choosing healthier work environments or addressing mental health directly, balancing personal growth with well-being is key to thriving in a purpose-driven career.

Final Reflections: Purpose-Driven Careers

The speakers closed the event by sharing practical advice for anyone pursuing a purpose-driven career. Arnold Chan reminded attendees to continuously seek out learning opportunities, even in unexpected places. Charlene Ren emphasized the importance of staying true to your values and ensuring that your work environment supports your mental and physical well-being. Nikhil Taneja encouraged everyone to take risks, embrace change, and trust their passion, reinforcing that purpose-driven work often requires stepping into the unknown.

Whether you’re at the beginning of your career, contemplating a sector shift, or ready to leap into social entrepreneurship, the event highlighted that purposeful careers are journeys filled with learning, growth, and resilience. Through their personal stories, the speakers illustrated that the road to meaningful impact is often nonlinear, but ultimately deeply fulfilling for those willing to take the leap.

Full Event Recording

Upcoming Events

From Local to Global: How to Scale Your Enterprise with Jose Luis Vilcahuaman 

In this dynamic session, seasoned serial entrepreneur and CEO of Ingenieros Top International (Neutraly), Jose Luis Vilcahuaman Tovar will share invaluable insights on how to successfully expand your social enterprise to new markets and countries. Drawing from his experience in scaling two different enterprises across Latin America, Jose will provide practical advice and strategies for international growth. 

In this session, you’ll learn

  • How to create scalable products 
  • How to determine when it’s the right time to scale 
  • How to ensure product-market fit in a new country 
  • How to overcome unexpected political, legal, and economic changes

Date: September 16, 2024
Time: 10:30pm Beijing | 2:30pm GMT | 10:30am EST
Format: Online Zoom Webinar
Sign up now! 

For more information on future PIM 10th Anniversary events, please visit 

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