10 Years of Stories of Transformation
Danyi Peng

“I realized that I can build a purposeful career and make a social impact with anything I do.”

Harris Chrysanthou

“We need to continue to develop entrepreneurs that seek to change the world for the better.”

Melody Su

“Not only has this program marked a significant chapter in my career, this program has further strengthened my commitment to reshaping education and fostering social impact through technology.”

Kenny Leung

“I’m very lucky to be involved in the social impact industry because I feel very fulfilled. My life is very fruitful because I can use my knowledge to make a change in the world.”

Meg Rudy

“The magic formula for educating students about social impact is “learning by doing + knowledge + inspiration.”

Chuan Fan

“I saw a unique space for PIM or social organizations in [the higher education] space.”
Ouassim Hamdani (CEO & Ai Lead), Mohamed Aimen Benkoua (COO & Back-end Engineer), Abderrahmane Herizi, (Mobile Development Chief), Riadh Ziane (Server-side Development Chief), Ahlam Boumezrag (Public relations Manager)
🇩🇿 Algeria

“We received so much support during the Tech4Good program – from mentors, judges, prestigious enterprises in Algeria, and even received congratulations from the Algerian president.”
Nodira Otabekova (Team Lead), Oleg Pak (System Analyst), Otabek Atabaev (Chemical Engineer and Material Scientist), Ikhtiyor Sodikov (IoT Engineer), Jakhongir Juraev (Software Engineer), Bobur Jurabekov (Cybersecurity Specialist), Shakhzoda Mirzaeva (IoT Engineer), Zulfiya Usmonova (Software Engineer)
🇺🇿 Uzbekistan

“Embrace challenges, grow through them, and move forward stronger”
Saurabh Nanda
CEO at SN Mentoring, Tech4Good Mentor at PIM
🇺🇿 India

“Social entrepreneurship is the solution if we want a planet to live on sustainably and healthily.”

Cristie Zhao
RÉSO – Founder/Managing Director, Tech4Good Judge at PIM
🇨🇳 China

“The only constant in a start-up’s operation is change. So it is important to be adaptable and to be able to find your own rhythm along the way.”

Model Foundation
Wenxin Yan, Carolina Gordillo Are, William Hinthorn, Zhang Weike, Vera Lummis, Cengiz Cemaloglu
🇨🇳 China, 🇵🇪 Peru, 🇺🇸 USA

“PIM has taught me that, no matter what I do, I can incorporate philanthropy into my life.” – Cengiz Cemaloglu (Harvard University)

Andrew Shirman
Founder, Education in Sight (EIS), PIM Model Foundation Grantee
🇨🇳 China

“PIM’s grant to us came at a really important time as we were starting to scale up Education In Sight’s operations, essentially allowing us to double our capacity.”